A take on social media ft Social media

If you know you know (IYKYK) a phrase that stemmed on Twitter that represents like-minded people thinking the same thoughts without actually having to speak what they're thinking. I use that phrase to describe myspace because if you grew up in the myspace era I would definitely say you know what was going on. Social media blew up way before myspace as stated in History of Social media. Friendster really hit it off by engaging people across internet platforms.  When I started using social media it was very closed off, there were not many camera phones, and having a digital camera was a luxury. So compared to what we have now with Instagram and Pinterest the picture-taking media wasn't crazy. Myspace focused on making your wall cool with your imagination and your written posts. Social media is a lot different when you're younger than when you're older. Being older you have more free range, you know what is dangerous and you are more aware of sketchy situations as opposed to the younger generation who is still learning stranger danger and assuming the best in people. One thing I don't do on social media is adding a bunch of random people I don't know. I treat my social media like it's for me, I make sure that I'm happy with the content and don't worry about what everyone else is doing.

Social media for expression is not something I commonly use it for, but the one app I do put my feelings on is Reddit. Watching the Levels of SM video really showed that Reddit never got its chance to actually take off the way the other social media apps did but it's so informational and is like TikTok in written form to me in terms of content. Social image is so important for jobs later down the line and is used as a way for people to get to know and get a sense of you without meeting you. Facebook and LinkedIn are popular for this. As stated in the text and the video, social media can be a social competition. Comparing yourself and your life to others is what drives most of the social media platforms. Quitting social media is something I can see everyone doing as they age because I believe when we are all in our 70s we will have more important things going on. I don't believe social media usage will completely stop even when we get up there in age but I can see it slowing down and going to just one or two platforms. 
